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6-year-old made $11M on YouTube last year by Playing with Toys

    Say hello to the latest Youtube Millionaire known as Six-year-old Ryan ToysReview earned about $11 million between June 1, 2016 and June 1, 2017.

    Although, the Highest Paid Youtube goes to gamer Daniel Middleton with nearly 17 million followers popularly known as DanTDM ranks as the world’s highest-paid YouTube star of 2017 with $16.5 million while Ryan ToysReview ranks eighth on the list — tied with Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox, of the popular comedy channel, Smosh.

    And for Ryan, he made his millions that started from last three years opening toys, playing with them, and cashed checks that most of us can only dream of. He has 10 million plus currently.

    Ryan youtube

    Combined, the world’s 10 highest-paid YouTube stars earned $127 million between June 1, 2016 and June 1, 2017, before management fees and taxes. Six-year-old Ryan of Ryan ToysReview counted over 8 billion in the time period under consideration.

    And yea, Ryan’s popularity makes perfect sense as he is totally nonthreatening to parents and children alike. No bad words. No preachy banter. He’s a miniature Mister Rogers but without the sweater and slippers.

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