Life itself is a joke, and keeping it real is just boring. Well, almost every aspect of life is funny, you just only have to find it yourself. In technology, here are some funny wifi passwords you can possibly find on the internet today.
We all have the idea that passwords are meant to be difficult, smart, and even well mystifying. But some people went above the border to make their Wifi passwords look cool and very funny. Like, how can your WiFi password be funny? Tho, I tried it once (it was stress-free).
It’s quite hilarious, but keeping your password simple and funny, even your funny WiFi passwords makes the remembrance simple. However, due to security reasons, it is advisable to make your WiFi password a little bit harder, protection from attackers, neighbors, etc.
Funny WiFi Passwords
*. sPiderMAN
*. BreASTsmiLK121
*. VladimirRoutine
*. FiNesTBaBe
*. SuGARPlum!
*. HelpImKidnapped
*. PASSword
*. ChangingWiFiPassword
*. Password:-Uno9876543
*. FuNNywifipassWORD
*. Don’TuseMYWifiPassword
*. WeCANseeyoushowering!
*. Elon@MuskismyBOY
*. TryAgainTomorrow
*. WifiIsONnow@1234567890
*. LookingForWard2NewRelationShip
*. Ilovee’mall
*. TellMyWifiSaidhello
*. TellMyWifiLoverher
*. PROvokingAliceinWonderLAND
*. SuPerMAndefeatsIronMan
*. DooMSdayWiFiPASSword
*. ThisISmyLifelikethis
*. LordVoldemodem
*. CoroNAvirusVScovid19VS5G
*. covid19VScovide20
*. IcanKILLmywifi
*. TheUnthinkABLEPassWORD
*. WifiattACKER
*. FBIblockmyPASSword
*. BlockAGEisNOThere
*. PinkyDRESSisnotpinky
*. ROomieISROAMIng
*. HArdPasswoRD
*. Frodo-Baggins
*. Torrent@Gump
*. Chance(the-Router)
*. John@Wilkes
*. Bluetooth-Benjamin#FrankLAN
*. LoGGINGtomyFuture
Funny WiFi Names from Nigerians
Trust Nigerians, when it comes to ‘catching cruise’ every born-Nigerian has that feature built right into their system. Here are some Funny WiFi Names:
*. WhoIgoBillLikeTHIS
*. NaMumudeymakePasswordSTRONG
*. NaFightIwandeyFightNow!
*. ThISLiFEnoBalaNCE
*. ThisLifeNaWaOh
*. My=Geeeeeeee
*. ThislifeSWEET
*. HoLYghostFILLED-WIfi
*. StarLord-Password:@who???
*. Avengerstownwifi
*. It’sallConnected
*. Download@Javaris
*. WebofSPIDERman
*. myWIFIpassWORDis!!
*. EnterWIfipasswordHERE
*. ScammingSCAMMERSviaWifi
*. StarBoy-BigWIZY
*. 10exclamationMark!!!!!!!!!!
*. WhatsYourWifiPassword?
*. MyWifiPassword!
*. LikeandCommentbeforeWiFI
*. follow4follow!
*. AttackBUHARInow!
*. 30DAYSand30nite
*. WEstandRegardLES
*. MyFuture001
*. DecENCYcares!
How to make WiFi Passwords Stronger
Statistics show that “An attacker with full administrative rights on your device can send, receive, and sniff traffic to your WiFi router and all other users on your network without connecting to the WiFi themselves and without using your WiFi password.”
Now, if you are wondering, yes, the attacker does not need to be in the range of your WiFi if they are to have remote access to your phone. Here is how to make your WiFi password a little bit stronger. Well, funny WiFi passwords may no longer be funny when it comes to sensitive information at risk.
Well, you really don’t need those security software apps to make it possible, they have indeed proven to be best in containing any attack from attackers, making your stronger, and unguessable makes it more powerful.
Solution: The best passwords are at least 8 characters and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (! @#$&^%). The tougher the password, the longer it will take a brute force attack to guess your password.
- WiFi password are normally 8 characters – the more characters, the better
- A mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters
- A mixture of letters and numbers
- Inclusion of at least one special character, e.g., ! @ # ? ]
When composing a password, don’t ever enter your name, parent names, or any of the relatives, phone numbers, and to make it stronger and harder to guess, always change your passwords within six months.