Is your phone running on the former Android 6.0 Marshmallow OS? Then this new Infinix System Update App will definitely help you to get what you have been wanting since The Android 7.0 Nougat OS!
Infinix Mobility has been trying since and they haven’t lack from surprising their customers and also being among the top Mobile Phones Producers and Manufacturers!
Updating to the latest Android OS or even updating your phone, helps one to build a stronger wall against Malware like Wannacry and other related Problems like containing some bugs or so.
But before you begin the downloading and installation, you have to note down some few points and processes:
a. Your Battery must be fully charged.
Now to begin, download the app at >> (This Automatically Downloads the App)
Then let it install, launch the app and Click “Download” for the available OTA software upgrade. Once the download is complete, run it.
That’s All. If you are willing, please let us hear your good results and good complain in the comment box.