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SD Express 8.0 card specification is four times faster with up to 4GBps transfer speed

    SD 8.0 Specification for SD Express memory cards has been announced by SD Association, the group that sets the standards for memory cards.

    According to TheVerge, the new SD 8.0 specification allows the card to transfer data at nearly 4 gigabytes per second (GB/s) using the popular PCI Express (PCIe) 4.0 specification.

    The SD Association is a self-claimed global ecosystem of companies setting industry-leading memory card standards that simplify the use and extend the life of consumers.

    Mats Larsson, Senior Market Analyst at Futuresource: “SD Express’ use of even faster PCIe and NVMe architectures to deliver faster transfer speeds creates more opportunities for devices to use SD memory cards. SD Express’ use of even faster PCIe and NVMe architectures to deliver faster transfer speeds creates more opportunities for devices to use SD memory cards.”

    Huge thanks to utilizing PCIe 4.0 and NVMe interfaces in solid-state drives, this makes the SD 8.0 specification for SD Express memory cards to transfer data at a rate of nearly four gigabytes per second.

    SD Express 8.0 memory card specifications announced

    The transfer speed is the best highlight here, transfer speed up to 3,938 megabytes per second, which is quite bigger and larger than the transfer speeds of 985 megabytes per second in SD 7.0 and SD7.1 specs, which utilized the slower PCIe 3.1 interface.

    With such overwhelming transfer speed, you can be able to transfer stuff like 8K video, create ever-larger files, which requires faster throughput at a faster transfer rate.

    The SD Express gigabyte speeds bring new storage opportunities for devices with demanding performance levels, across a variety of industries.

    SD Association confirmed that the new specification will be available on SDHC, SDXC, and SDUC memory cards. This means it could be used on the current highest amount of memory supported by an SD card – the 128TB SDUC card.

    The cards can move large amounts of data generated by data-intense wireless or wired communication, super-slow-motion video, RAW continuous burst mode, and 8K video capture and playback and many more.

    SD Express 8.0 memory card specifications will not be available until SD card makers implement the specification into upcoming products, that is when you can easily zoom off to online shops to get yours.