Finally, the bad day is here for Samsung Mobile. They have once again issued out the FINAL Warning to all the Samsung Note 7 Users. If you are using the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, please you are advised to return and stop using the Phone Now!
Maybe, this might be the final re-call from Samsung Mobile or the even the final warning to stop using it. But it is now official from them, Switch OFF your Note 7 Smartphone Now or face the consequences.
Following the fire cases of Note 7 which has been reported over a month, Samsung Mobile finally issues out the final warning. They have stopped the Galaxy Note 7 sales globally, urges owners to power down phones.
Not only that, Oculus has issued a forced update to its mobile app that shows the following message whenever you pair your Note 7 device with the Gear VR headset.
Customer safety is Oculus’ top priority. Oculus is removing support for all Note7 devices on the Oculus platform. Until further notice, Note7 devices will not be compatible with the Gear VR. For more information regarding the Note7, please contact Samsung directly.
The official statement from Samsung reads:
Because consumers’ safety remains our top priority, Samsung will ask all carrier and retail partners globally to stop sales and exchanges of the Galaxy Note7 while the investigation is taking place.
Consumers with either an original Galaxy Note7 or replacement Galaxy Note7 device should power down and stop using the device and take advantage of the remedies available.
Just as was the case then, Samsung says that it is working with the appropriate regulatory bodies in each region to address the reports. Please share this news to save a soul!