The Essential Phone 1, is the world’s smallest 360° personal camera, we dreamed to see its successor but all hopes of getting almost-perfect device from Essential is going under the lane, as the company is reportedly on sale for purchase.
Unlike other companies, Essential is planning or rumored on selling everything under their rights; which includes patents, hardware, upcoming projects. And also, the current employees might be shifted to the new company.
At first, the successor was under development but right now, all signs says it has been canceled and that engineers are now working on a smart home product, which is supposed to be released next year.
The 2017 Essential phone 1 was the first brand of Smartphone to feature high screen-to-body-ratio and the notch display, which was purported by Apple. The screen is almost as bezel-less as any other device can be. But the successor, Essential Phone 2 may never show up.
Official Statement from Essential;
“We always have multiple products in development at the same time and we embrace canceling some in favor of the ones we think will be bigger hits. We are putting all of our efforts towards our future, game-changing products, which include mobile and home products,”
Essential founder Andy Rubin, emailed his employees and it reads; “No one (including me at this moment) knows what the best thing for the company will be,” the email reads. The company is allegedly “working with bankers to raise money,” according to Rubin.
According to the statistics reports, the Essential phone 1 might be the first and only phone has only sold around 150,000 units since it went on sale last August, according to the report. Essential still has plans for future products.
Source: TheVerge